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Ikrèn: Militè Ris di yo Elimine 180 "Mèsenè Etranje"

View from a Russian Army aviation helicopter as it escorts units of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, during their invasion, at in unspecified location in this screengrab obtained from social media, March 2, 2022.
View from a Russian Army aviation helicopter as it escorts units of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, during their invasion, at in unspecified location in this screengrab obtained from social media, March 2, 2022.

Fòs Ris yo deklare ke yo te elimine "apepre 180 mèsenè etranje" pandan yon atak kont yon baz militè nan Yavoriv, ​​​​apeprè ven kilomèt toupre fwontyè peyi Polòy, ki fè pati Òganizasyon Trete Nò Atlantik (OTAN)la .

Baz sila te gen ladann yon pati nan èd militè etranje. Yo te konn itilize baz sa pou yo fè fòmasyon pou fòs Ikrenyen yo anba sipèvizyon enstriktè etranje yo.

Daprè gouvènè rejyon an, atak Larisi te fèt a pati Lanmè Nwa ak Azov e te gen 35 moun pèdi lavi yo egen 134 moun ki blese.